1000W Electric Voiturette - Lower Chassis          (Main Home Page)

click on the links for descriptions and DETAILED PRINTABLE ENGINEERING PLANS for the main sub-assemblies

The voiturette's lower chassis provides a completely self-contained drive unit for the vehicle - changes to the vehicle appearance can be made by altering the upper carriage without affecting the core vehicle design.

The voiturette's lower chassis contains all the structure and mechanisms to support and operate the vehicle. The timber chassis frame provides structural support and location for - the front and rear beam axles and their suspensions, the lead-acid battery pack, the steering mechanisms and the motor speed controller and control pedals. This self-contained design helps with the build and with ongoing maintenance (well... ongoing fiddling!) by providing good access to all the main vehicle sub-systems. It also provides great scope for altering the vehicle appearance by allowing the upper carriage to be modified without significantly affecting the core vehicle systems. The design should also fairly easily be lengthened or widened to suit other builds.

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